Deterrents don’t work for most. As a pet behaviourist here are tips which should really stop a cat scratching furniture!
Healthy Puppuccinos are hard to find, so why not make a species-appropriate one at home? Boy, do we have a recipe for you which your dog will love!
A scientific breakthrough or one step further into fake diets for our pets?
Have you ever thought about dog friendly camping? No? Well, let’s go camping! Whoo! I can already smell the roasting marshmallows by the fire, that’s making my mouth water. The feeling of being out in the wild (close enough too anyway) and getting bitten a million times by mosquitoes, no matter how many cans of…
Easy tips to wash your cat, causing less stress to them, and less pain to you!
The True Purpose of Slip Leads: What Every Australian Dog Owner Should Know Understanding the Slip Lead Did you know slip leads were originally designed to transport working dogs a short distance on shoot days? Working dogs don’t wear collars while working because a collar can get snagged in fields and hedges. Despite this, the…
Chihuahua’s have a fascinating history which dates back to Toltec and Aztec civilisations. Now loved by celebs, find out why Chihuahua’s were bred here!
If inspiration is needed, we look at black cat names for your female kitten based on movies, TV, literature, and mythology!
Do you know if your dog is suffering dental pain? Most people don’t, which is why they call it “silent pain”.
Did you know eggshells are great for your dog? It doesn’t matter whether you feed kibble, raw, BARF, or home cooked – don’t waste your eggshells!