Tired of regular dog walks? Let’s look at some fun things to do with your dog. Things I bet you’ve never considered!
I bet you’re the same as me – every morning starts with great intentions, which fail. That’s one of the reasons morning is the best time to walk the dog!
Walking dogs is important, and not just for your dog! If you want some great ideas to make the most of doglife then read this motivational guide!
Dog training is as much about you as it is your dog. If you want success in training your dog, for whatever reason, then read this!
Did you know most doggy ice creams are unhealthy? Icy poles can be worse! If your dog eats ice cubes then that’s great, but read this if you want to be cool.
Did you know your bitch’s first season will dictate their cycle? But there’s much more to it than that, so let’s investigate how often are dogs on heat…
Thinking of cycling with your dog? This is a must read – all the information you need, plus equipment and safety tips. Be prepared!
Can you trust a magazine on pet health from a pet food company? Pet Health Magazine is a new advertising opportunity released by Australia’s Real Pet Food Company. What do you need to know?
In this chapter on dog first aid we’ll look at how to diagnose and treat a dog for shock.
In this chapter on dog first aid we’ll look at how to diagnose and treat a dog for broken bones.