Author: DogZone

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  • First Aid: How to treat a dog for stings

    In this chapter on dog first aid we’ll look at how to treat a dog for insect stings such as from a bee or wasp, as well as catering for allergic reactions.

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  • First Aid: How to treat a dog for burns

    In this chapter on dog first aid we’ll look at how to treat a dog for burns, including types of burn and grades of burn.

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  • 6 Researched Crate Training Pros & Cons

    Crate training and its pros and cons has long been a subject of debate among dog enthusiasts. This is unsurprising — many pet owners see their dogs as their children and consider crate training inhumane. In fact, some dog owners and even some animal rights organizations think crate training dogs is so cruel that they’re…

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  • Crate Training While At Work

    First of all crate training a puppy while at work begins with training your puppy when you are NOT at work! Hang on, wait, what? That’s right. If you want to know the secrets to successfully training your pooch to stay at home while you work all day, then you must train your dog to…

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  • Dog Crate Sizes Based on Breed and Health History

    Dog Crate Sizes Based on Breed and Health History

    Dog owners must consider several factors when choosing the right dog crate size for their precious pooch. Breed and size are, of course, important when choosing the most appropriate crate size and type, but the dog’s health and temperament and the area you live in also play a part! Read on to find out how…

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  • Why did my dog pee on the bed?

    With Cesar Millan Imagine that it’s Sunday night, and you fall asleep in bed next to your pup after watching your favourite TV show. When your alarm goes off for work in the early hours of the morning, you roll over to find not your cuddly pooch, but a warm, wet spot and a sprawling…

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  • Why crate train puppies

    Why Crate Train Puppies?

    When it comes to crate training you will be happy to know that there is a simple formula that sets you up for guaranteed success. Today we are going to teach you how to use it! After hours and hours of reading books from the greats in dog training and five months of patiently puppy…

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  • Is Crate Training Cruel? Finland and Sweden Seem to Think So…

    Is crate training cruel? It’s a question every dog owner has probably pondered at some point. This comes as no surprise — if you’ve ever watched your tiny, precious puppy howl from their crate, chances are it struck a nerve. Crate training puppies is so commonplace in the West that many dog owners believe it’s…

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  • How to get a puppy to sleep

    How to Get a Puppy to Sleep at Night!

    Many first-time puppy owners find themselves at their wit’s end trying to get their new puppy to sleep at night.  Never fear — our One Step Ahead Method is based on evidence from some of the world’s top trainers, and it’s guaranteed to have you and your pup snoozing peacefully through the night in no…

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  • What’s the Easiest Dog to Train for Your Needs?

    The World Canine Organization recognises 339 breeds of dogs, and since you’re reading this, it’s probably safe to assume you’re looking for which of these breeds are the easiest dogs to train, for your needs. The answer isn’t as simple as you may think. The easiest dogs to train aren’t always the smartest, prettiest, or…

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