Stressed about getting a new puppy? Here’s a Puppy: Quick Start Guide to settle your nerve’s in under 10 minutes of reading.
You don’t know where to start with training your dog obedience? Don’t worry, these are the best skills to start with – for both you and your dog!
Did you know 20 years ago it wasn’t advised to train a puppy until 6 months? We now know it’s best to start training a puppy from day 1, and puppy preschool can be invaluable.
Part of: New Puppy: A Complete Guide to Puppy Training! Breeders expect puppies to act like puppies – to pee and poop everywhere and to chew whatever they find. Once a puppy is adopted into a family home, however, training ‘Human Home Etiquette’ will become your #1 priority. A good puppy class will emphasise social…
Where do you start with a new puppy? The answer is right here, in this guide to your first puppy!
Puppies don’t come with a training manual or any kind of user instructions. Consider this your complete guide to getting started with puppy training.
What are the many pros (and cons) of clicker training your dog? Are you doing it right, and if not, why not?
Part of: The Most Common Dog Problems. The idea of taking away food or toys as you please by using a gruff voice, smacking or other physical measures designed to suggest ‘dominance’ is not good advice. It may work for the head of the family, or even for other adults – but what about children? What about…
Part of: The Most Common Dog Problems. The rewards the environment provides an off lead dog – scent trails and interactions with other dogs are often too great to be countered with a small food treat. Long lines are recommended throughout the world as an intermediate step between on lead training and off-lead freedom. A long…
Part of: The Most Common Dog Problems. Most problems with dogs and kids are predictable and occur as a result of poor socialisation with children and/or rough handling especially around food or sleeping areas. Children look, move, smell and act differently to adults and may unknowingly encroach on a dog’s space, move erratically, make strange noises…