Dog kennel or crate?




Dog kennel or crate


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Our dogs are integral members of our family, so it’s important for us to fulfil their needs for comfort and a sense of security.

Just like humans, dogs need a place to relax and have quiet time when human activity overwhelms them. They also need a space to call their own, especially when they are left alone during the day or have to sleep outdoors during the night.

Having owned many dogs spanning decades, I opt for a kennel over the crate. The simple reason being they’re generally bigger, more comfortable, and offer your dog room to move around and play.

Top Reasons for a Kennel

One of the primary reasons for having a kennel for your dog is rest.

If you have an active dog, he’ll appreciate a place to recuperate even more. Did you know some dogs need 10 to 15 hours of sleep a day, while others may only sleep when you do.

Wherever its location, the kennel should be placed where your dog can have uninterrupted sleep. Dog beds should be part of its regiment for comfort, particularly if your dog sleeps indoors with you.

Have you ever noticed that many dogs will sleep curled up if they are out in the open?

This is a way of protecting themselves from the coldness of the night or weather. It also helps them feel safe and secure. A kennel provides that nest safety, warmth and security.

Some dog kennels like those made by Bono Fido at My Pet Warehouse offer something that other companies do not – easy portability. Whether you are moving, travelling or camping, a kennel that can easily be taken apart and bring with you is extremely important.

How a kennel can benefit your dog.
Bono Fido Dog Kennel

Having a kennel which is easy to move is great if you have a puppy, too. Whether you’re in the house or garden, you can take the kennel with you to give your puppy quiet time and safety and still be near you.

Features to look for

Versatile kennels are made from durable materials which can withstand outdoor weather conditions as well as the typical dog behaviour like clawing and chewing.

Bono Fido offers kennels in various sizes from small to extra large. It literally takes seconds to put up, and the removable mattress makes it so easy to wash.

If you are planning to get a dog, make sure to include a kennel on your checklist of dog must-haves. After all, your new family member will need a “room” of his own!

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