So you’re getting a new dog?!
The first few weeks of dog ownership are so exciting, but this time can also be quite stressful if you’re not prepared for your new fur child.
Read on to find out our top tips on what to do before you get a dog!
1. Make their bed!
Before your new fur baby arrives, make sure you have their bed ready.
Sure, you might have plans for them to sleep in your bed, but it’s always good for your pooch to have a bed or a space that’s only theirs for when they want downtime.

If you’re getting a puppy, think about how big they’re going to get so that you don’t have to replace their bed when they’re fully grown.
The good thing about beds is you can buy something they can ‘grow into’.
Keep in mind some of the cheaper dog beds aren’t very durable, especially when your new dog goes through their teething stage. Young pups like to tear up beds, so be warned!
2. Load up on doggy toys (and bones)!
Make sure you have a collection of toys at the ready before your new dog arrives.
This is especially important if you are getting a new puppy with endless energy (this will also save your favourite shoes being chewed on).
Avoid cheap toys in budget shops or supermarkets (sorry Coles, Woolies, Big W, and Target). Your pup can destroy these in under a minute and some pose a choking hazard – there’s no safety regulations with dog toys unfortunately.
As a raw feeder, all my dogs have chewed on bones since a young age. Chewing on a bone really saves your furniture, shoes, and ankles, but care must be taken when feeding bones.
Always make sure the bones you give your new dog are suitable, and keep an eye on them while they’re chewing on one.
There are also some great chew toys available if you’re worried about bones. ZIWI Peak dear antlers are a great option, but some pet stores sell stuff like coffee wood which may seem expensive but they actually last ages!
There’s great info on treats on the Pet Food Reviews website.
Organise their toys into a basket to keep your house looking tidy.
3. Buy funky accessories for all the #NEWDOGSPAM
We all know that you can’t get a new dog without taking hundreds of photos and spamming all your friends and family.

Freshen up their look with some super cute accessories that are bound to get hearts melting.
Think bandanas, jumpers and bow ties!
These days there are so many accessories available which will really show off the personality of you and your dog.
Just make sure any accessory you buy is suitable and safe for your pup!

We all know our dog’s favourite thing to do is go for walkies, so make sure you have their first collar and lead bought before you bring them home.
Puppies grow quickly so make sure you buy the right size collar. Most have a lot of adjustment and should last until they’re at least 1 year old, perhaps more.
A collar should never be tight, and you should be able to get a few fingers in at all times. When playing with your puppy it’s good to give them a few playful tugs with the collar which helps them get used to how a lead feels when pulled.
There’s some great dog collar and leads in Australia, and my personal favourite is Rogz. Lot’s of character, and easily available!
5. Keep your dog smelling fresh AF
Your new dog is going to meet so many people and pups in their first few weeks! You want them smelling nice!
Make sure you have some basic grooming products at the ready to keep your pup smelling fresh for all their new furrriends.
Personally I always opt for organic or natural products. Some of the big brand shampoos are full of chemicals and may irritate your dog, so it’s worth spending a few bucks more on something better.
Our top pick is the JP Pet range of dog shampoo sprays – they really help keep your dog clean and smelling amazing, with ease!

Get a stylish collar tag engraved before they arrive. Not only is a collar tag essential for the safety of your pup in case they run off, a funky tag can show off their personality and let everyone they meet know their name!
Confused or need help?
We’ve helped lots of new dog-owners make decisions when it comes to shopping for their newest furry family member. Swing us an email, or DM us on Insta of Facebook if you need help or just want someone else’s opinion!
We’re always more than happy to help out fellow dog-owners xx
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